4 Myths about Vitamin B12 You Should Stop Believing

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Good nutrition keeps you strong and healthy. You need to get the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals your body needs every day. B vitamins are part of it, and they are the building blocks of a healthy body. They affect your cell health, energy levels, and brain function.

One type of B vitamin is vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin. It supports the function of your nerve cells and is needed for DNA production and red blood cell formation. You can source this vitamin from animal products, certain foods, injections, and oral supplements.  

While vitamin B12 is necessary for your health, some people avoid it because of misconceptions surrounding it. Learn more about the truth about this vitamin by discovering the common myths about it:

Myth #1: Vitamin B12 can instantly boost your energy

Vitamin B12 has been known as an energy-boosting vitamin. This vitamin can indeed boost your overall energy levels and alleviate your fatigue, but don’t start popping vitamins to fix your low energy levels. This is because supplementing with this vitamin has only been evident in those with low or low-normal blood levels. Therefore, you may not get the results you are looking for if your body already has enough vitamin B12 intake.

Myth #2: Taking too much Vitamin B12 can be dangerous

Adults need 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 per day while expecting, and nursing mothers must have 2.8 micrograms per day. Since it is a water-soluble vitamin, your body excretes whatever it does not use through your urine. In other words, it is generally considered safe, even at high doses. There is also no Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for vitamin B12 due to its low level of toxicity, so you don’t have to worry about getting too much through foods and supplements.

Myth #3: Only vegans and vegetarians are at risk of Vitamin B12 deficiency

As mentioned earlier, vitamin B12 is found in animal products, making many mistakenly assume that only vegans and vegetarians are prone to B12 deficiency. However, the truth is that anyone can be at risk as modern lifestyles, diets, and medications change. 

For instance, you have an increased risk of vitamin B12 deficiency if you use certain medications that suppress gastric acid or treat heartburn or eat a restrictive diet. You are also likely to have a vitamin deficiency if you are over age 50, have undergone gastric bypass, have gastrointestinal conditions.

Myth #4: Vitamin B12 shots are always better than oral supplements

Getting B12 injections is the fastest way to deliver doses directly into your bloodstream, but it may not be the best solution for everyone. For example, B12 shots require a regular visit to a wellness clinic, which may not be ideal for you if you have mobility issues or trouble going out on your own. Instead of receiving B12 shots, it’s best to take this vitamin through a method that suits your budget, health, and lifestyle. 


Vitamin B12 enhances your energy, boosts your memory, and prevents heart disease. Your health may also be at stake because you are unnecessarily restricting your intake of this essential vitamin. So don’t let the myths listed above stop you. Consider taking vitamin B12 supplements or reaching out to a clinic offering B12 shots.

If you’re looking for B12 injections in Houston, you can turn to Z Med Clinic. We run a state-of-the-art family healthcare clinic, and we can treat B12 deficiency with our injections. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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