Treating Spider Veins with LightPod Neo and Alma Laser

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Treating Spider Veins with LightPod Neo and Alma Laser

Spider veins, or telangiectasia, are small blood vessels in the skin that look like a web and are red, blue, or purple. Spider veins and varicose veins are found on the legs. They occur when the one-way valves in the blood vessels do not work right, letting blood collect in the veins instead of flowing back to the heart.

This phenomenon widens the veins, possibly making them uncomfortable and unsightly. In addition, varicose veins near the skin surface are usually caused by leaky valves deep in the leg. These occurrences affect men and women of any age but are most common in women of childbearing age or older. 

Laser Treatment for Spider Veins

If you’re dealing with spider or varicose veins, you can get a laser treatment to get rid of them. This laser removal is a non-surgical solution to remove spider and reticular leg veins in 30 minutes or less with guaranteed long-lasting results. 

Moreover, the laser spider vein treatment is an incredible alternative to surgical leg vein removal, leaving no incision scars and requiring a shorter recovery time. 

This treatment involves having the laser handpiece deliver light energy into the skin and absorbed by the blood within the targeted vein. Moreover, it leaves the surrounding skin unharmed. 

As soon as the blood absorbs this energy, the vein heats up and affects the vessel lining, causing them to constrict and fade from view. This effectively leaves your legs clearer and more beautiful than ever.

Z Med Clinic’s Laser Spider Vein Treatment in Houston, TX

Z Med Clinic offers the LightPod Neo, which safely treats various visible blood vessels from angiomas to spider veins and large varicose veins. This treatment creates a pulse of laser energy, causing the blood inside the vein to coagulate and destroy. 

No matter which body part of yours is affected with spider or varicose veins, the LightPod Neo safely and effectively takes care of unwanted veins. Our other treatment, Alma lasers, also treat varicose veins by non-invasively closing them and reducing their size. It makes venous lines disappear over the skin as a result. 

What to Expect on the Day of Treatment

Before the day of your leg vein treatment, your physician will apply a particular gel to the area to be treated. This ensures that the laser energy is appropriately delivered and cools the area during and after the treatment.

Your doctor will then begin the treatment by moving the laser handpiece over the skin. It will follow the length of the vein and pulse the energy as they go. You need not worry since you will be provided safety goggles prior to the treatment for eye protection. Still, you might see flashes of light as the laser energy is being delivered to your skin during the treatment.

You’ll likely feel a mild sensation and heat on the skin. Your doctor will cool the area with a cool roller, ice packs, or cold air after the treatment to ease your discomfort.


The laser spider vein treatment may result in the vessels looking gray, blanched, or exhibiting a slight color change to red or purple. The vessels will fully or partially fade in the next ten to fourteen days, from which you may be suggested to do repeat treatments every three or four weeks. Lastly, you should not remove, pick, or pull out any darkened lesions.

Z Med Clinic is a wellness clinic in Houston, TX, providing spider vein treatments to address such problems. We are a state-of-the-art family healthcare clinic serving a large part of the state with our expert healthcare services. 

We have been serving the community with our world-class medical care and exceptional health support services for a long time, and we intend to continue doing the same. Our LightPod Neo and Alma Laser treatment will help you eliminate your spider vein problem. Book an appointment now!

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