Get Rid of Ingrown Hair for Good Through Laser Hair Removal

A picture of Anne Marie Ponce de Leon

Anne Marie Ponce de Leon

Ingrown hairs are annoying and painful, and it’s important to know that they can happen to anybody. It’s tough to avoid them if you regularly shave or wax your body hair, regardless of where you do it. 

The easiest way to get rid of ingrown hair forever is through laser hair removal. However, before we get into that detail, we’ll first discuss what ingrown hair is and how to tell if you have them.

What Is Ingrown Hair?

Ingrown hair is when your hair starts to grow back after removing them, and it can’t break through the skin. When this happens, dead skin, oils, and dirt can block that area and create a buildup that keeps the hair from growing out normally.

The hair then has no choice but to keep developing beneath the skin, making it grow sideways. It is especially common in people with naturally curly or coarse strands of hair.

How to Know If You Have Ingrown Hair

A common telltale sign of ingrown hair is the red bumps you get after shaving or waxing. They could even pass as pimples. Another sign that you have ingrown hair is if the area itches or if it hurts to touch.

Keep in mind that ingrown hair can happen in any area of the body because people are naturally covered in hair. When determining where you’re more likely to get an ingrown hair, it mostly depends on which areas you regularly shave. 

For some, it could be around the face because of consistent shaving and trimming of facial hair. For others, it can be around the underarms, legs, or pubic areas. Places like these are more prone to experience ingrown hair due to the coarse and bluntly cut hair.

If you want to check for the possibility of having ingrown hair, you have to wait for a few minutes after shaving before you can thoroughly inspect the area. Again, you’re going to want to look out for tiny, red bumps on the skin or for any spot that might feel sensitive or painful to touch.

How to Remove Ingrown Hair

It’s crucial to eliminate ingrown hair because it can cause infection, scars, and discoloration. If you don’t remove the hair, it could pierce the skin and cause even more significant problems for you.

To properly remove them, you can undergo laser hair removal in a healthcare clinic or wellness spa. It’s the only practical option because it can go right to the source of the problem, which is the hair follicle. The laser will essentially burn the hair’s roots to prevent them from growing more.

You want to stop your hair follicle from growing back new hair because this is what causes ingrown hair. The continuous growth of hair into the skin also produces the pain and skin irritation you feel when touching ingrown hairs.


Ingrown hair can be a pain to encounter. To prevent it, always make sure to keep your shaved areas clean and regularly exfoliate around the region to keep away any buildup of dead skin and oils. While waxing produces fewer chances of getting ingrown hairs, it’s still advisable to choose laser hair removal to eradicate the problem.

The Z Med Clinic offers services like laser hair removal in Houston, Texas. We’re a world-class family healthcare clinic dedicated to serving the community. Visit our website now to schedule an appointment!

Anne Marie Ponce de Leon

Medical Director

About Anne Marie Ponce de Leon

Anne Marie Ponce de Leon MD is a proud native Houstonian. She obtained her undergraduate degree from Houston Baptist University with a double major in Biology and History. For medical school, she attended the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston (recently renamed McGovern Medical School). She began her family practice training at Tufts University Medical School in Boston, MA, but subsequently returned to Houston where she completed her residency at the Memorial Southwest Family Practice Program.

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